
The lost years: did Mary Magdalene appear in them?

Hello everyone!

I hope we're all familiar with the term, "Lost years of Jesus" -- this time generally refers to the time of Jesus between His age of 12 and when He started his ministry at 30. We have absolutely NO scriptural evidence at that time of his life -- no, not even the rap-scallion GNOSTIC Gospels! Nothing, I tell you. The only thing that we're quite sure of - Jesus traveled, somewhere. When He returned to His homeland (Nazareth) when He was 30, the people there (according to the New Testament) don't recognize Him, nor do they like Him -- but these people should of liked/known Him best! That is, if He grew up with them! So that is where the mystery is -- where was He? Some popular theories are, India, Tibet, and my favorite... England! Why? Well, here's a theory: Remember that time in Oct, when I posted about this? (Brides Mound) If you don't remember it, go read it! I'm just going to copy some of what I said here to back my theory:
When Mary arrived in southern France, after freeing from Israel, she quickly set forth to England. Somerset, Glastonbury, is very south England.
It was here, Mary started up a church. It is called, "The Brides Mound" now, what remains of it anyway-- but the church had it's day. It is said King Aurthur traveled there, and had a vision of The Virgin Mary and Jesus, also it is said to once home Saint Brigid of Kildare (my favorite saint, besides MM). More on this below.
In one corner of the almost-fallen church, is an inscription translating to: "Jesus Maria"
All caught up? Uhm-kay. So, basically -- Church. In a English town called Glastonbury. Inscription on it says, "Jesus Maria". Annnnd we're done! 
  So, previously, I thought that Mary Magdalene had started the church, she practiced early Christianity and honored her Master. But -- I'm rethinking things over here -- what if this was a church Mary and Jesus started together, Him being -- like, 14? Maybe older (cos' Mary at the time would of been 11. She's not that rebellious!), but think about it -- if Mary Magdalene was a Brit, then... heh, maybe she would of actually had red hair ? (Not like that matters) OR -- This is a church that Jesus and His (earthly) mother started together. They are both named Mary. And He loved both of them (I believe). Odds are, probably His mother, right? Just for the sake of it, I'll label it this way: "Theory 1" is that it was Him and His mother -- "Theory 2" is Him and Magdalene. On the side of theory 2, this could help explain the name "Magdalene". As I posted about here, "Magdalene" probably isn't referring to her "hometown" Magdalena. As I stated there, 
"Magdalene" might be a nickname -- Jesus gave nicknames to his closest apostles. Noting the most famous one, Simon called Peter, "Peter" meaning "Rock", maybe referring to his strong or harsh attitude. James the "less" because of his short of stature or young age. The two fisherman brothers, James and John, sons of Zebedee, were nicknamed Boanerges, meaning “sons of Thunder,” ... Maybe they were loud (like thunder?)? Simon, another of the Twelve apostles was called “Simon the Zealot,” either referring to his militant bent or to his zeal for a cause. So then, "Magdalene" might come from the Hebrew or Aramaic word migdal—meaning tower.
Do you think, tower, was referring to this church? As you can see in the picture I included below, almost nothing remains of the "Bride's Mound" (the name for the area surrounding the church), so how tall it stood or for how long is limitless.

Excuse that random table - I couldn't find a table-less picture 

I guess it would be kind of weird to nickname your girlfriend "tower", after the building you helped/built for her. But then again, calling your best friend, "Thunder", "Rock", or "Less", seems kind of weird too. So I guess you can't take it too seriously. Additionally, not related to Bride's Mound of the Lost years whatsoever, I found out that "Magdal" can also mean "Child of Light", so I guess that is also a possibility. Certainly more understandable than tower!
SO! Back to the whole reason I started this post - "The lost years: did Mary Magdalene appear in them?", and the answer? First, let's look at the evidence -- oh, wait, there is none. There is Gnostic theories, passed down through Gnostic church fathers, about Magdalene's childhood (As I posted about here), but 100% nothing about Jesus', past 12.  So, was Mary present during those years of His teen and young adulthood? Well, think about it: The Bible pretty much mentions nothing about Mary Magdalene, but don't you think that it is a tiny bit suspicious, that His first miracle was supplying wine at a wedding? Hm, as I mention HERE, 

Jesus and all of his apostles (also including his mother!) are "invited" to a wedding, and at the wedding everyone gets so drunk before the ceremony that they have no wine left. Jesus' mother told Jesus, "They have no wine," and Jesus replied, "O Woman, ("woman" was the equal for "lady" in English) what have I to do with you? My hour has not yet come." His mother then said to the servants, "Do whatever he tells you" So He tells them to fill the containers with water, and then long story short He makes water into wine. Well, in the first century, it was the groom's responsibility to bring the wine, drinks and food for the wedding -- a defense is that obviously the "groom" didn't bring enough wine, and that Jesus was doing it as a favor -- but if that is so, why would His mom ask Him to fix it? She wouldn't know of His "ability" (yet), so why would she even think to ask Him? Unless, of course, it was His responsibility in the first place!
The Wedding at Cana might be the secret marriage between our Lord and His bride. Wouldn't it make since for Him to arrive back in Israel, to wed and then start His ministry? Sorta makes since, anyway.

Gosh, I need to rap it up now. Did I actually cover anything? The truth is that no one can actually, or will actually, ever be sure. That kinda sucks.
  Than you for reading, I hope you enjoyed wanting to punch mwah as always ;)

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