
"Most Beloved Disciple" ?

Hello everyone!

I told you in my last post, we have some pretty "sweet" things coming up!! Here we are. Did you know? The term "beloved disciple" is used in John five times, but in no other New Testament Gospel? Actually, the gospel of John is addressed to be written by the "beloved disciple", and yet he (or she) is never once mentioned by name! i.e., "And John, the Beloved Disciple"... nope. It is believed by most to be John, but here is why I am really confused.
  When Jesus is on the cross, John states: " Standing by the cross of Jesus were his mother and his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary of Magdala. 26When Jesus saw his mother* and the disciple there whom he loved, he said to his mother, “Woman, behold, your son.”n 27Then he said to the disciple, “Behold, your mother.” And from that hour the disciple took her into his home. "
Now, only are the females mentioned to be standing at the cross, so why would we jump to the conclusion that now, suddenly, John appears? When Jesus notices "the disciple there whom he loved", remember this is a different paragraph, and now it gets better! He says, " "Woman, behold, your son." [27]Then he said to the disciple, "Behold, your mother." ", doesn't it sound like he is meaning to "introduce" in-laws? That He wants His mother to treat His wife like her own child? And, of course, we have to throw *son* in there. Now, all women are here. Son? Really? Read the verse again. (And again.) Try to get your mind around it! Impossible! We come to *two* conclusions: (1). John was joining the females, but for some reason the author forgot to add that. (2) He called his wife "son", which cannot be changed whether in Hebrew or English. ? So ?
Putting that aside, we have something that might make you lean towards 2. In John 13:23-25, this is what it states:  23 Now there was leaning on Jesus' bosom one of his disciples, whom Jesus loved.
24 Simon Peter therefore beckoned to him, that he should ask who it should be of whom he spake.
25 He then lying on Jesus' breast saith unto him, Lord, who is it? 
Now, if you were on the side of 1, imagine two men laying on each other. Sorta weird, right? (I mean, *unless* they were in a sexual relationship... I guess it's a possibility, right? Anything can happen!) Of course, "he" comes into play here. Is it a guy? Or is the author covering up something? Then again, "the beloved disciple" is the AUTHOR of the Gospel!  So, "The Gospel of John", dead giveaway? Hmm... maybe... OK: Now, we're going over to side "1" for a minute, while we read this passage:  "When Mary Magdalene discovers the empty tomb, she runs to tell the Beloved Disciple and Peter. The two men rush to the empty tomb and the Beloved Disciple is the first to reach the empty tomb. However, Peter is the first to enter." 
All aboard the *first* train! This should prove that "the beloved disciple" and Mary are two different persons, but of course I must point out something else (Clarabelle Elizabeth is not responsible for any brain aches you might develop while reading this article): "beloved" does not refer to a sexual relationship whatsoever, but in the context it is used it seems to. So, therefore, why do we not believe Jesus was gay? If He was, that would be A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. You, dear readers don't even know this yet (I don't think), but your author is gayyyy. ohhhhhh! So, TRUST ME, I would not mind one bit! But, there are reasons to think not -- Many people were cut out of the New Testament simply for being gay -- what makes us think that they would not do the same to Jesus? They were never rejected for being married, just for the basis of being married to a person of the same gender. So... ? Any ideas? I've got nothing! I guess the main purpose of this post was to give you something to think about until your brain EXPLODES! Ugh! Gospels! *sassy eye roll!*

Well, thank you thank you, for viewing! Please feel free to comment about your beliefs, and I will try my best to reply/answer! :) 


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