
I try my best to answer 10 FAQs!

Hi everyone!

So, I decided to complie a bunch of FAQs about our lady (Mary Magdalene) and try to answer them my best! Sounds like fun? Let's begin! 

Q. How much is the Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown historically correct? 
A. Pretty much none of it. The only thing is that Mary and Jesus were probably married, but other than that, there is NOTHING historically correct in that entire thing! 'Tis rubbish!

Q. What is the Gospel of Mary? 
A. The Gospel of Mary is a gospel (but I'm temped to call it a codex) that belongs to the Nag Hammadi gospels. It is a list of sayings, similar to The Gospel of Thomas, (also a Nag Hammadi gospel) unlike LUKE, JOHN, MATTHEW or MARK, which tell stories. 

Q. Did Mary really have red hair?
A.  No. Chances of that are about 0%. Red is the color representing sin, so you can see how she is always portrayed with red hair. 

Q. On that note, how did Mary sin? Was she really a prostitute? 
A. Yes. She was a single lady (put your hands up!) and back in the first century, women could not work. Therefore, she needed a way to support her daughter and herself! 

Q. If Jesus was married, why wasn't it (His marriage) included in the New Testament?
A. You know, there is no true answer. Dan Brown states that it was because of "a male-dominated church", but many men in the new and old testament were married, to multiple wives in fact. But, think about it: sexuality just isn't a very big part of religion. There is no where in the ENTIRE new testament that states that Jesus WASN'T married.

Q. Is Mary the scared feminine? 
A. No. In Gnosism, we have two prominent female Gods: Elohim, and Sophia. Mary is believed by only some of us to be the wife of Jesus, so therefore she is certainly not Holy... in Jesus' seance, anyway. 

Q. Why are people so intrigued by Mary Magdalene?
A. I don't know. She's a bad girl! Who got redeemed! What's not to love? 

Q. Was The Da Vinci Code the first book to suggest the union between Mary and our Lord? 
A. No! Before that, there was a interesting book called, "Holy Blood, Holy Grail". Dan Brown actually got SUED because his book was so much like this one! Side note: he won the sue. 

Q. Many people believe Mary fled to France after the crucifixion. Why France? 
A. Well, take out your globes for a second (Don't worry, I've got you:) 
OK, find Israel. (You geographic geeks already found it! Good job!) It's right below Syria, (the blue square under TURKEY you guys -.-) OK now, pretend you lead a rudderless boat out off the sea there: where do you land? Italy! Orrrr, you could stop at Italy, and continue to France. My real answer: I don't know. Hit it up in the comments if you have any guesses! 
Q. 10th question! You know what this means! Were Jesus and Mary Magdalene married after all? 
A. Yes! And we've got lots of gospels to prove it! Try "The Gospel of Jesus' Wife" and "The Gospel of Mary" for a start. I'm not going to compile everything I know about Biblical History into this one question, but if you're a new viewer, I suggest you check out my other posts! 

Yayy, they end here! It's 8:10 PM now, so it's time to stop. I hope you enjoyed it.
Thank you for reading! 



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