
"Most Beloved Disciple" Part 2

Hello, dearest followers and viewers!

Today, I bring a sequel to my post " "Most Beloved Disciple" ? ". If you have not read it, I suggest you do so first because I don't really feel like explaining the entire thing again. Go knock yourself out! Anyway, for those of us whom have read it before, *cough*thecoolones*cough*, let me just start off by saying that, the beloved disciple, whomever he might be, isn't the greatest writer in the world. (Might wanna consort J.K. Rowling about that. Imagine, one day, she opens up her inbox to find an email that reads: "Dear Ms. Rowling, I am the beloved disciple of Christ, and before I go and record all of His life, such as all of the 'cool' apostles are doing, I need your help. My email is,, Thanks." OKK that was random and I accept that.) John has said many things that the other gospels (in the New Testament) have not, some [most] of which have been proved completely wrong. That being said, one of the most remarkable things about the New Testament is that all four Gospels have totally different interpretations of the resurrection -- but John, is the only one that mentions the "beloved disciple".  In all of the others, it is either just the two Marys, (Virgin Mary and Mary Magdalene) or Mary (Magdalene) runs and gets Peter. "The beloved disciple", or John, doesn't appear. Get what I'm saying? This is the only verse in the Bible that really differences Mary Magdalene from the beloved disciple. So, if "John" is written by the disciple who was dropped on his head when he was a baby, does this instantly make Mary Magdalene the beloved disciple? Heck no! We still have to puzzle upon Jesus calling the beloved apostle a "him", or "son". (I.e., "Later at the crucifixion, Jesus tells his mother, "Woman, here is your son", and to the Beloved Disciple he says, "Here is your mother.")

Son. Son. Really? If He'd only addressed "her" by daughter, we wouldn't be having this conversation. But, since we are, I've got to ask -- what do you think? I want to say, being the author of a blog about this sort of thing, "And here is why I know Mary Magdalene is the beloved disciple!" But no. The honest answer, is I have no idea. BUT -- now let's venture past the new testament and get into the Gospel of Philip. I present to you the most epic burn of all time! (Kidding.) 
And the companion of the saviour was Mary Magdalene. Christ loved Mary more than all the disciples, and used to kiss her often. The rest of the disciples were offended by it and expressed disapproval. They said to him, "Why do you love her more than all of us?" The Saviour answered and said to them, "Why do I not love you like her?"

Hmmmmm... is that a good burn or what? Anyway, what do you think? Of course, this is not the statement we're all looking for : "And Mary Magdalene was the mysterious beloved disciple, yo." But who knows? Maybe we'll find a gospel that states the same thing in a few years! New Biblical evidence is always being discovered, constantly. That is why you cannot stand by one thing and make it your final stand -- you have to be open to new things! SUCH as Mary Magdalene, the possibility that Jesus was gay, Gnosisim, etc.! I know y'all are, my readers are A-W-E-S-O-M-E! ;)
  Well, that is it. Thank you for viewing, and again, feel free to comment and share your thoughts.

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