
Mary's nickname

   Hi everyone!
I am in good spirits today. A friend of mine just got a new car, to replace her 11 year old one, so her, I, and my best guy friend took it out for a spin -- it was wonderful. I hope y'all had a good day also -- if not, ignore me.
   Last post, I touched up on Mary Magdalene's daughter, Tamar -- today I will touch up on something interesting I read -- not telling! 
  First thing: I want to apologize for the lame-as-heck "About my blog" tab, which has NO INTENTION OF WORKING WHAT-SO-EVER. Ugh. I've tried about e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g to make that dang thing work... oh well, I should probably delete it. 
  Nicknames -- I can admit I don't think I have many nicknames. Even my best of friends always just call me Clarabelle. So, let's skip to the point -(who cares about me, I'm writing a blog) A few days ago I read an interesting article relating to M Magdalene... the blog writer pointed out that in LUKE 8:2 the scripture reads (copied from King James Version (1611) ) :   "And certaine women which had bene healed of euill spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene out of whom went seuen deuils," ... he pointed out, that woman back in the first century did not have surnames, if she were married to Jesus, her name would be: "Mary of Jesus" . Yet, called "Magdalene" might not be referring to her hometown "Magdalena". "Magdalene" might be a nickname -- Jesus gave nicknames to his closest apostles. Noting the most famous one, Simon called Peter, "Peter" meaning "Rock", maybe referring to his strong or harsh attitude. James the "less" because of his short of stature or young age. The two fisherman brothers, James and John, sons of Zebedee, were nicknamed Boanerges, meaning “sons of Thunder,” ... Maybe they were loud (like thunder?)? Simon, another of the Twelve apostles was called “Simon the Zealot,” either referring to his militant bent or to his zeal for a cause. So then, "Magdalene" might come from the Hebrew or Aramaic word migdal—meaning tower. Maybe given to her because of her strong personality? I cannot think of another way you would describe your friend, if not wife as a "tower". 
   Another possibility, is that Mary self-choose it for herself, and that Mary and Jesus were instead not married, but lovers? In JOHN 19:30, we learn about a secret disciple of Jesus, Joseph of Arimathea, who was a "secret" disciple of Jesus “because of his fear of the Jews.” (John 19:38) Could Mary have also been hiding from the Jews, and her name being "Mary of Jesus" a dead giveaway? She may have not married in order to protect herself.

Joseph of Arimathea 

Maria of Magdalena

Thanks for reading, once again! 

Parts above may have been referenced from TaborBlog & B. D. B. Moses 
All rights reserved.  

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