
And He said, 'My wife'

Hello everyone,
I feel like writing. And though I have things a really should be doing, I don't care -- I want to write! (I'm sure you know that feeling, don't you?)
Today let's discuss The Gospel of Jesus' wife. The title says it all. This is what the eggheads at Harvard called it... remember when you were younger and thought this was an ideal collage? Yeah.
 In this "gospel" (which is about the side of a credit card), Jesus calls Mary, (not by name) "wife". As it reads:
1] not [to] me. My mother gave to me li[fe] ...
2] the disciples said to Jesus, "...
3] Mary is worthy of it ...
4] ....." Jesus said to them, "My wife ...
5] ...... she will be able to be my disciple .....
6] let wicked people swell up .....
7] As for me, I dwell with her in order to .....
8] an image 

So isn't that crazy? 
It is written in Coptic, the form in which the Egyptian language was written and used by Christians in Egypt beginning in the Roman imperial period (second to fifth centuries CE), when Egypt was increasingly becoming a vital center of early Christian activity. It was most likely found in the early 1980s, but kept a secret, only now is it coming to the surface.  And although the newly found material fragment of the Gospel of Jesus' Wife dates to the fourth century, it is a copy of an earlier copy which had probably been translated from a Greek copy. This means that the date of the material fragment is unlikely to be the date when the gospel was first composed; rather, it indicates that the gospel could not have been composed later than the fourth century. How much earlier might the Gospel of Jesus' Wife have been composed? Since it refers to Jesus and Mary, it had to have been written after the first century CE. This gospel likely dates to the second half of the second century, because it shows close connections to other gospels which were written during that time, in particular the Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of Mary, and the Gospel of Philip.
    It is a shame, I'm sure it had an entire *real* gospel attached to it, but the harsh hot weather in Egypt, not to mention the ants, disposed of it. Man, if only THAT was included into the New testament... even Him standing up to her would be amazing! Not to mention WIFE!
ALTHOUGH... It only begs the question, is it fake? Andrew Brown made a point that it could be copied from the Gospel of Thomas, and it would be pretty easy to make a fade gospel at this point... I mean, anyone at this day in age can learn the Coptic language, here is a picture from google: (easy as that)

See? I could make one. 
 So the whole thing really is up in the air. Some historians argue, "It's real! Because of, *points out true fact*!" but then some, "It's fake! Reasons are, *points out equally true point*!" So it's up to you. What do you think? Real or fake? Hmm? (Hit it up in the comments if you feel like it!) 
Well, that's it for today! Thanks for reading, but how am I EVER going to sleep tonight? My mind right now: "Real. Fake. Real. Fake. Real. Fake. REAL. FAKE. REAL!! FAKE!!!" And so forth. It's blowing up.
Thank ya, 

(PS: I attached some pictures of it below:) 

parts above may have been referenced from "Harvard Divinity School"
All rights reserved. 

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