
I've got to get this off my chest (AJ Miller)

Dear followers,

I know I promised a post about Mary M's daughter, last time, but it seems I have something first I REALLY need to get out there.

So, I guess a few years ago this guy named "Allen John Miller" was on ABC Today, (or some news broadcasting company like that) claiming that he was a reincarnation of Jesus. Let's keep in mind here: This guy was born, raised, and lives in Queensland, Australia. And, also, he gos by: "AJ" as his name. (Allen = John) WWJD, folks?
 If that isn't hilarious enough, he pretends to (or maybe does) remember his Crucifixion. He said, "Yeah, like, it started when I was like 2. I remember my feet being nailed to the cross!" And, yeah, it sounded convincing, but as he describes his "memories" of being Jesus Christ (Or, thanks to AJ, I will now refer to Jesus as "JC"), it would take anyone with any Biblical knowledge to know fishy things are up.  He said, "As Jesus, my mother and father followed me around, telling people I was the Son of God." There are two MAJOR "plot-holes" here: 1. Jesus never referred to His (one) blood parent[s] as "Father" or "Mother". Whom He called "Father" was Yahweh. Example: When Jesus was 12 years old, His mother and father completely forgot Him, on their "road trip" to Jerusalem. They finally remembered after one day of travel, "Oh, wait, we have a son. Where is He?". They traveled back to Nazareth, to find Him in the temple or church. His mother said to him, "Son, why have you treated us like this? Your father and I have been anxiously searching for you." And His reply was: [49] "Why were you searching for me?" he asked. "Didn't you know I had to be in my Father's house?" [50] But they did not understand what he was saying to them.
     2. This account, as I just described, is the last time we ever see Joseph. Biblical historians, and multiple gospels (Such as the Gospel of James) refer to Joseph as a old man. Thus, we believe that Joseph died shortly after this event, or sometime shortly later. 

Back to AJ, one of the worst parts is he (no, I am NOT capitalizing that) strongly believes that his two best man friends are reincarnations of, apostles John and Peter Simon, and that his wife is Mary Magdalene. Once everyone had thought up that idea, they pretended to remember. His wife Suzanne, and both friends were being interviewed -- On screen, the 3 people worked themselves up into a froth, crying about how hideous the Crucifixion was to watch. As all of us whose ever read the New Testament know, the Crucifixion is the most disturbing thing you might ever read about. Of course, reading about such disgust left me feeling horrible. I had an ache in my cheast for a while afterwords, and a lump in my throat, also. All of this rambling to prove that you can work yourself up about the Crucifixion -- if you think about how sick it must of been, I guess I could see where Suzanne and friends were coming from -- just like about anything sick and unfair. But that doesn't mean you were there, or that you were closer to our Lord than anyone else.

And, ignoring ALL of that, just look at him. I'm sorry, but honestly, I think the Son of God would have more style sense than this mid-30's man sure does.  

Dat. Train. Tee.


(God I went crazy searching his name and being like, "Oh. God. Who wears that?") This man needs "What Not to Wear" more than anyone else. I'm honest.  

Alright, time to stop. Bottom line: This guy is a total tool. Sorry. 

Thank you so much for reading! I'll focus on Tamar next time :) 

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