
All we know is all they did...


What is up with me these days? Look at this, I am still alive my followers! All hope is not lost! How long did I go without a new post...? A full week EXACTLY! Never, again. Anyhow, here I am -- just be prepared -- this post is not about a certain topic, I just wanted to share some thoughts about the matter... so ye never know what might happen, haha.
Let's open with a quote, shall we not? 
 "Every man's memory is his own private literature." -Aldous Hexley
 So, while I've been given this week of non-blogging, I've had time while working to think about this topic a whole lot, so much that I can scrounge an entire post out of it. Alright, so you know how we were talking about the Gospel JOHN a whole bunch over here and right here?  Well, as most of you reading my blog know, the Gospel of John is addressed to "the Disciple whom Jesus Loved" (go and click those links for an adventure), meaning that it was written by someone who knew, and loved, Jesus, not just some dude 300 years off - but that is what is so cool, none of them were. Historians believe that "Mark" was the earliest gospel, and that surprisingly "John" is the latest. You see, all of the Gospels *had* to of been written by people who knew Jesus, had memories with Him and of Him, but there is one thing consisting between all of them -- none of them are the same. It is bizarre, John, supposedly closest to our Lord, has been proved most historically incorrect of all four Gospels! So why did I open with that random quote? Because what I'm trying to say here is, they were (the Gospels) all written in memory. No one actually came home and wrote each evening after being with Him all day, no, once He was long in Heaven and they were all in the place they'd spend for the rest of their life, (for some that was Europe, some stayed in Israel) then and only then did they start writing!  What the heck does this have to do with Mary Magdalene? Think about it -- (on the topic we're talking... no pun intended-ish) this is why we no info on her, or her "relationship status" with the Lord. It is astonishing that they (the Apostles and Disciples who wrote "John" "Mark" "Matthew" and "Luke") remember every detail that they do (but how could they forget THAT), but certainly they wouldn't remember her and Jesus' sexual/romantic relationship, if there was one in the first place! Plus, we must remember that if there indeed was, it would not be as in the public as modern relationships nowadays are. Can everyone go recall the Samaritan woman incident over in John 4? So in this scene, Jesus is taking to a Samaritan woman, who is confused for two reasons: 1, Jews and Samaritans hated each other, and never, ever crossed paths. 2, men and women back in the day treated each other like a different species. Here, let good ol' Timothy teach ya' a good ol' lesson or two:       

" 11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression."  

Sorry if I offended anyone, but I'm a woman here, so it's all cool. So my point is, that imagine you're John- for a small part of a random Tuesday, Mary Magdalene gos and "excuses" herself to be with Jesus for a little while instead of talking to you like normal. By dinner that night you don't remember that. And certainly you don't 30 years later when you're writing the Story of Christ down! See what I mean? Unless it was Magdalene herself writing a gospel herself, we do not expect any of the apostles/disciples to remember anything about their relationship! *deep breathes* Well, I had to put that out there. Alright! It's Monday! Time for some MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL! 

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed, and see you next post. Feel free to email or comment about anything that you read here today. Thank you! 

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