
Magdalene's life - part 3

Wow -- this is the first time I've sat down today -- I've been very busy packing the house for moving. (Hiring someone to do it would cost too much $$$... sure would be easier though.)
Alright! Time for my Magdalene post of the day. Last post I promised more about MM's personal life, and I hope to deliver just that. Let's see...

Magdalene as a prostitute. This has been debated widely by historians, after the first mention of it was by Pope Gregory III the Great. All of my research has lead me to this:
Magdalene's family had sent Mary off from her home in Magdalea, to marry a rich man in Bethany, when Mary was only 15 years old. Along the way, Mary was attacked by bandits -- who raped her and took everything she had. All her money, her donkey, supplies and food. The only thing Mary still had with her was her bottle of costly perfume. Back in the day, woman were forbid to work, so Mary's only option of survival was to become a prostitute. Out of this, she bore a daughter, who she named "Tamar". When Tamar was 12, Mary's sins were cast out by Yeshua (Jesus), obviously ending her "career" as a prostitute.

Magdalene's appearance.
 If you search "Mary Magdalene" on the internet, most likely it will pull up pictures of a young girl with long, red hair. Mary's home, in Magdalea, Israel, probably had a percentage of 0% red heads. Even any European browns/blondes would be quite rare. The idea of Mary being a redhead came from her repenting for her sins -- she became known as the woman whose sins were forgiven. (Red is often the representation color for sinfulness.)          
This is a better interpretation of her:  
As oppose to: 
(Red robes, red hair.)
Alright, I think I've pretty much covered everything I wanted. Pretty short post I know, I'll try and be better next time. 

Thank you for reading! I will write part 4 soon, but I haven't planned it out yet. Hopefully tomorrow I will have more down-time to write!


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