
Beginning -- Magdalene's life, part 1

As Rebecca West had said, "I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that difference me from a doormat or a prostitute.", and while that might not be true for most women, it surely is for Mary Magdalene.
One night, I was awake very late. Thinking to myself, "Imagine, if Mary Magdalene was born male. She would be in the Bible, as a strong role model, and even maybe the Lord's husband. Imagine that." Smiling to myself, I made a mental note to remember that. Just how crazy it would be.
Even if there were never any canonical/non-canonical gospels found with Mary M in them, just in the Bible alone there would be enough to prove Mary in fact was Yeshua's (Jesus) wife. Let's start:

First off, remember the scene where the unnamed woman (In LUKE if I'm correct) comes into Pharisee's house, and anoints the Lord's feet with perfume with her hair? Well, I can honest -- woman back then had to keep their hair covered, otherwise it would be considered dirty -- and I'm just going to be frank, it'd be the equal to a modern-day woman revealing her breasts in public. So yeah. Unless Mary was, erm, "free-spirited", perhaps, she probably would be modest enough to control herself -- unless maybe around her husband... hint hint. (I honestly can't understand why Biblical historians can't take note of that.)  

Second, Mary is sent to anoint the Lord's body, when she finds out he has risen. Back then, it was a costumed for a wife to prepare her husband's body for burial. (If the wife wasn't available/dead, it would be given to a mother or sister. Only a woman very close to the man would get this task.)

And, on top of that, there have been many, many Gospels with Mary in them. Some even go as far as this:

"...It was the season when the bright morning star heralds the passage of the sun in the gate of the east. As the morning star arose, Mary spoke, saying, 'My Lord, why have you brought me out here? Why do you touch an unclean woman, for you are a Holy Man and it is forbidden by the law?' Yeshua said, 'Woman, I am the fulfillment of the law. The purpose of the law is to bind the demiurgos and archons and to destroy the hold of the devil, not to bind the soul of the human one. I have brought you here because you shall be my bride and consort, and I shall be your Lord and husband. In you, the Soul of the World shall be redeemed.' Mary said, 'I know you are my Beloved, but how can this be? You do not understand who I have become, that I am unclean defiled, so that no righteous man can take me as his wife.' Yeshua said to her, 'The woman of whom you speak of is not the woman who sits with me now. You speak of the dead, but you are among the living. Yesterday no longer exists, tomorrow has not yet come to pass. The only existence is today, and those who are alive today are the living ones. My beloved, I receive you as you are and you as you were before you were born and as you forever shall be, the illumination and glory of this I Am.' 
When Mary heard these words, she cried out saying, 'My Beloved, My Savior, My Soul and My Truth-Adonai!' And they embraced and the Lord kissed her on the lips for the first time. ..." 

D'awwwww... that was sweet. I can honestly say this is very canonical, in my mind at least, and I cannot see why it shouldn't be elsewhere. (That, OR I could just change names and certain words, and write a best-selling love story. Ya know.) 

Alright, I'll rap it up. I said what I wanted, and it was great. Next I will be going into more Gospels, as many as there is. Not sure anything can beat that one though. 

Thanks for reading! Woo! 

some above has been referenced from Tau Malachi @ LLEWELLYN   

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